Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Beginning

In terms of Books I've read since I last posted on my blog, several are not worth mentioning. Breathing Lessons, Beloved, and Elbow Room. That's it about them...

Now, I read Lonesome Dove before Christmas when I was working the night shift. It's a long one but I just ripped through it because it was so good. Riveting doesn't begin to explain how I was compelled to continue reading. And compelling doesn't quite satisfy how good the story was told. McMurty weaves such a rich description of the plains that it's hard to believe he's working 100 years after the story is set. It is sufficient to say that I loved it and definitely recommend it to others.

I also read, for the second time, The Count of Monte Cristo and it continues to be an excellent tale of fiction. I would read it more often if it were only 300 pages instead of 1200. This is the type of book that you can reread and still be fascinated by the intricacy of the plot. Not that you forget it after the first reading but the second allows you to pick up the millions of nuances that you missed on the first read through. As far as I'm concerned it is a must read for everyone who calls themselves a learned person.

The Fixer by Bernard Malamud was the last book I read of consequence. It was really good. It's about a Russian Jew who is charged and held for a heinous crime. But justice is slow for people of the Jewish faith right then. It's a really great look into the inhuman moves that affect human lives. I would suggest that you read it, or borrow my copy.


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