Friday, September 09, 2005

Hrry Pttr Rtrns

Harry Potter has returned for another sequel to the series, of course I read it. And I loved every minute of it. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for a book like this? Since the chamber of secrets, that's a long time!

Such a dark book has not been written by JKR before but she does know how to do it, that much is clear. I am even more eager now for the next (and last) in the series, but I wonder if she can even fit it all into the seventh book. Maybe it will be a septology in eight parts? Anyway, I loved it and I recommend it to everyone, young and old alike.

People who haven't yet read the series would ask themselves: Why not? There is no answer I can think of that would persuade me to agree with you so I suggest you go straight out to buy it or borrow it. When you have done that and have finished the fourth book, then you may speak to me. Until then, adieu!


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