Sunday, March 27, 2005

Another Day, Another Book, Another Post

I just finished another book, a recommendation from a friend, a mystery novel. Gorky Park. Martin Cruz Smith. I liked, and I was enthralled by it, but at the end did I feel any richer for my time? Not really, the book is more fluff than substance, which is fine once in a while. I think I needed to read some fluff to remind me about the good novels.

Reading has been taking a backseat to so many other endeavours lately, and I 'm hoping this novel gets me back to reading. Of course I'll be criticized for reading when I should be socializing but is that so bad? I can handle the ribbing! I've handled it before and I believe in the cause of reading.

I'm rambling like an idiot. I love it. Writing is also very cathartic. Just makes my brain work better all around. Adieu until we meet again...