Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Civil War Comes Alive

The book is called the Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara, and it was good! You wouldn't know that the battle took place in the 1800's, or that this book was written 20+ years ago. It's all so fresh as you read it, as if you are right there with the generals, observing as one of their aides, or even as Fremantle, the British observer on the Confederate side. Would I recommend it? Definitely. Would I lend you my copy, of course. If you have ever studied military strategy, if you've ever loved tales of war, if you have ever read a book about the south, or even the north. Really, there is no reason not to read this book. If you're a bit squeamish you might skip over a couple of gory parts but otherwise you'd really like it.

It isn't written in high English, it's just your everyday language, so the book comes off the page very easily. It's as if the writer wanted you to read this book. Not respect it, but actually read it. This is a rare thing in the new "literature" of today, or at least that's what I've found. It's about Gettysburg but it could be about any battle on any field involving any one of my close personal friends. Read it. That's the summation of this post.


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